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Posted on: 14/06/2023

A. Conners Visits Thames Park

Recently, we had the privilege of hosting author Adam Conners, who delivered an inspiring talk to our Year 9 students and participated in a book signing event. This remarkable occasion, organised by our esteemed school librarian, Ms. Chan, exemplified the embodiment of our cooperative values.

Adam conners

Adam Conners' visit to Thames Park School provided a unique opportunity for our Year 9 students to learn from a renowned author and gain insights into the world of literature. Embracing the values of equity and equality, every student had an equal chance to participate, ensuring that the experience was accessible and inclusive for all. By valuing each student's voice and offering equal opportunities, we reinforced the importance of recognising and celebrating diversity within our school community.

During his talk, Adam Conners not only entertained and inspired our students but also encouraged them to embrace the values of self-help and self-responsibility. Through sharing his personal journey as an author, he highlighted the significance of perseverance, determination, and hard work. Our students were motivated to pursue their passions and take ownership of their own learning and personal growth, empowering them to become active participants in shaping their own futures.

The event organised by Ms. Chan exemplified the values of solidarity and democracy. By bringing the author to Thames Park School, she fostered a sense of collective purpose and collaboration among students, teachers, and staff. The opportunity for students to engage in dialogue, ask questions, and share their thoughts during the talk promoted an inclusive and participatory learning environment. This event exemplified the power of working together and respecting diverse perspectives, allowing our students to exercise their democratic rights and contribute to meaningful discussions.

Adam Conners' visit also highlighted the values of social responsibility and caring for others. His books often address important social issues, promoting empathy and understanding among readers. By exposing our students to such literature, we aim to instil in them a sense of responsibility towards the well-being of others. Through his talk, Adam Conners encouraged our students to become agents of positive change and to use their voices to advocate for social justice and inclusivity.

During the book signing event, Adam Conners engaged with students on a personal level, fostering an atmosphere of honesty and openness. Students had the opportunity to have their books signed and to interact directly with the author. This authentic connection allowed for deeper engagement and inspired the students to explore their own creative potential, fostering a love for literature and storytelling.

The visit by author Adam Conners to Thames Park School, organised by our dedicated school librarian, Ms. Chan, showcased the embodiment of our cooperative values. Through his inspiring talk and the subsequent book signing event, our Year 9 students were provided with valuable experiences that aligned with our school's values of equity, equality, self-help, self-responsibility, solidarity, democracy, social responsibility, caring for others, honesty, and openness. We are proud to create an environment that nurtures these values and encourages our students to become compassionate, engaged, and empowered individuals.

By continuing to promote and embrace these cooperative values, we are confident that our students will flourish and make positive contributions to our school community and the wider world.

Written by bakande