Latest News

Posted on: 21/02/2023

British Army Visit

Today, our school had the privilege of hosting a visit from the British Army. The soldiers arrived with the intention of working with our Year 9 pupils and engaging in conversations about the various career opportunities available within the Army.

The pupils had the opportunity to take part in interactive activities, such as team working challenges and obstacle courses, which gave them a taste of what life as a soldier is like. The Army personnel also shared their own stories of their experiences in the armed forces and discussed the various roles and opportunities on offer.


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The visit was a great success and served as a fantastic opportunity for our pupils to learn more about the Army, as well as gain an understanding of the challenges that come with a career in the military. It was also a great chance for our pupils to meet and interact with real-life soldiers, which was a real treat for them.

The visit concluded with a Q&A session, in which our students had the opportunity to ask the soldiers any questions they had about their careers in the Army. Our pupils were able to gain a better insight into the realities of a career in the military, as well as understand the process of joining the armed forces.

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We would like to thank the British Army for taking the time to visit our school and for providing our students with such a wonderful opportunity. We look forward to welcoming them back in the future.

Written by bakande