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Posted on: 01/06/2023

Thames Park Celebrates Pride Month

Thames Park School embraced the spirit of inclusivity and equality by commemorating Pride Month with a series of empowering and educational activities. Throughout the month, our school community united in support of the LGBTQ+ community, highlighting our core values of democracy, solidarity, equity, equality, self-help, self-responsibility, honesty, openness, social responsibility, and caring for others. By changing our logo to proudly display the rainbow Pride flag, engaging in informative quizzes during form time, and organising a vibrant mini Pride parade, Thames Park School reaffirmed its commitment to fostering a safe, accepting, and inclusive environment for all students.

Logo Transformation: A Symbol of Pride and Inclusion

Thames Pride

One of the prominent ways in which Thames Park School celebrated Pride Month was through the transformation of our logo. With great pride, we replaced our traditional emblem with a vibrant design incorporating the iconic rainbow Pride flag. This powerful visual statement sent a clear message to the entire school community that we stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community and actively support diversity and inclusivity. The logo change represented our unwavering commitment to equality and provided a visible representation of our school values.

Educational Quizzes: Promoting Awareness and Empathy

To deepen our understanding of the LGBTQ+ struggle and promote empathy, Thames Park School dedicated time during form sessions to engaging in informative LGBT quizzes. These quizzes encouraged students to explore the historical context, notable figures, and ongoing challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community. By equipping ourselves with knowledge, we fostered an environment of respect and acceptance, nurturing empathy and understanding among our student body. These educational quizzes demonstrated our commitment to self-help, self-responsibility, and social responsibility, encouraging students to become advocates for inclusivity and equality.

Mini Pride Parade: Celebrating Diversity and Unity

The pride club at Thames Park School played a pivotal role in organizing a mini Pride parade, creating a vibrant and joyous celebration of diversity. With colorful banners, flags, and costumes, students proudly marched through the school grounds, spreading positivity and acceptance. The parade was not only a visual spectacle but also a powerful symbol of our school's values of equity, solidarity, and caring for others. By openly embracing the LGBTQ+ community and showcasing our commitment to equality, Thames Park School demonstrated its dedication to creating a safe and supportive space for all students.


Thames Park School's commemoration of Pride Month stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to equality, inclusivity, and acceptance. By changing our logo to proudly display the rainbow Pride flag, engaging in informative quizzes to enhance our understanding of the LGBTQ+ struggle, and organising a vibrant mini Pride parade, we celebrated diversity and unity. These initiatives were driven by our school's core values of democracy, solidarity, equity, equality, self-help, self-responsibility, honesty, openness, social responsibility, and caring for others. Thames Park School is a place where students are encouraged to embrace their authentic selves, fostering an environment of acceptance, respect, and celebration of our diverse community. By commemorating Pride Month, we ensure that every student feels valued, seen, and supported, fostering a brighter and more inclusive future for all.

Written by bakande